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These docs are for the newly-released v4.

If you are or were using v3, check out What's New. If you are or were using v3 and do advanced configuration, read the migration guide and/or read about pinning v3.x.





Hometown may work with zsh4humans.


zsh4humans (z4h) expects you to use powerlevel10k. In my brief testing the below solution seems to work, but I’m looking for the prompt to be correct, not testing z4h.

romkatv has this to say about disabling powerlevel10k in z4h:

[The zsh4humans option to disable powerlevel10k] is meant for debugging. I can offer no guarantees, even informally, about the functionality of z4h when you disable powerlevel10k. If anything breaks, you'll be on your own.

Out of the box, z4h install —the zsh4humans plugin management feature— does not support zsh-abbr.

One workaround is to extend z4h install with a postinstall hook.

If you can and are willing to use Git in the hook, try this:

# .zshrc

function z4h-reinstall-with-github-git-clone() {
  [[ -n $Z4H_PACKAGE_DIR && -n $Z4H_PACKAGE_NAME ]] && 'command' -v git 1>/dev/null || return 1
  'command' 'rm' -rf $Z4H_PACKAGE_DIR
  'command' 'git' clone --recurse-submodules --single-branch --depth 1$Z4H_PACKAGE_NAME $Z4H_PACKAGE_DIR

# disable powerlevel10k
zstyle :z4h:powerlevel10k channel none

# disable z4h's "you're in debug mode" right prompt

z4h install olets/hometown-prompt || return
zstyle :z4h:olets/hometown-prompt postinstall z4h-reinstall-with-github-git-clone || return
z4h load olets/hometown-prompt

Or you can write a custom script. Read Installation > Manual’s note on GitHub’s REST API. You’ll indentify the latest release’s associated tag, use that to determine the archive URL to download, and then extract the archive into Z4H_PACKAGE_DIR. The following pattern is recommended. (Contributions of a full solution are welcome.)

# .zshrc

z4h-postinstall:reinstall() {
  # If called via `zstyle :z4h:<package> postinstall`,
  # will have access to
  # - $Z4H_PACKAGE_DIR, the location of the installed package
  # - $Z4H_PACKAGE_NAME, the package argument passed to `z4h install`

  # 1. Delete the `z4h install`-downloaded copy of $Z4H_PACKAGE_NAME
  rm -rf $Z4H_PACKAGE_DIR

  # 2. Download a different copy of $Z4H_PACKAGE_NAME to $Z4H_PACKAGE_DIR
  # TODO

z4h install olets/hometown-prompt || return
zstyle :z4h:hometown-prompt postinstall z4h-postinstall:reinstall
z4h load olets/hometown-prompt